“Where there is a light source, there is a portal to another dimension.” ~ Nazan Saatçi
Wondering “do fairies exist?” Fortunately, the door to deeper understanding of nature is now open. It is the hidden gateway to the Fairy Realm, and not only is it open, but it can be flung open to everyone!
This is precisely what happened to Nazan Saatçi, the founder of Fairy Voices. Her true story is genuine; a fairy channeling adventure that has proven the answer to the question “Do fairies exist?” A True Story, Proof That the Answer to the Question, “Do Fairies Exist?” is YES!
Throughout this Fairy Voices website, you’ll find out that the mysteries of the world around us are revealed by actual fairy voices. It is the fairies who inspired the creation of this spiritual awareness website and it is the fairies who relay its fairy-related contents.
Over thirteen years of contact, Nazan Saatci has captured evidence of fairy existence, and she knows there is no doubt to the question, “Do fairies exist?” But she knew others wouldn’t be so quick to believe her without proof.
Since 2018, finally, with permission from the fairies, she has now amassed over 600 audio recordings of fairy voices and nearly 300 video recordings of different fairy appearances.
Her fairy experience is still continuing at this moment, and each day, she is adding more evidence. After all, the Fairy Voices organization is ready to demonstrate proof that the answer to “Do fairies exist?” is yes! They are already communicating with human beings and they have important messages to share.
True Story Answers to the Question, Do Fairies Exist?
At Fairy Voices, our dream is to become a nonprofit organization and provide public access to the Fairy Voices audio and video collection. We believe our collection will not only create awareness but convey their messages and reinforce the connection between humans, animals, nature, and their guardians, the nature spirits/fairies.
Indeed, these nature spirits are the guardians of nature. They are beautiful and intelligent elemental energy beings. As we are all a part of nature, helping them helps the universe, and helping the universe means you are helping yourself.
Do fairies exist? It is not a question anymore. When you read the information on this website, watch the videos (preferably on a big screen), and study them carefully, you’ll understand the magic that the Fairy Voices true story has to offer you.
Eventually, you’ll be amazed to learn how the fae folks communicate and connect to us, how they express themselves, what their messages are, how you can help them, and in return, how they can help you.

Please Join us, Be their Voices and Share!